

俚语 straussing


The act of dating someone who is much younger, usually the person is under the age of 18.
"dude, Kevin is dating a 16 year old! He's 20!! He's totally straussing!!!


The act of winning an online argument by defeating the oponent on a genuine basis, or deleting them and their comments so as to remove their side of the arguement.

Straussing always results in a win.
I was winning that damned argument until he started straussing the whole thread.


Is a retard
Strauss is special, but it's okay.


When a barely legal person of the male persuasion tries to pick up chicks using information from the PUA bible "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Tactics include going up to random women on the street and asking them bizarre questions to try to start a conversation. Proponents of Straussing fail to realize that book came out before they hit puberty and is no longer original.
18 year old boy (usually wearing a hat): "Hey can I ask you a question? Do you think music was better in the 90s or the 2000s?"

Me: "Am I getting Straussed?"


"getting a nut" from an incoherent passed out chick.
getting a nut = getting laid.
"The girl had five shots of everclear and got Straussed in the alley."

"Don't drink too much tonight, you might get Straussed"


A very ugly Austrian Ostrich. Often combined with höse. Turning it into a man wearing Ugly Austrian Brand Ostrich Pants.
Look at Chris he's such a Strausse.


Technically, either Johann Strauss the Waltz King or Richard Strauss, the more serious composer who wrote tone poems and operas. Among real musicians, though, 'Strauss' almost invariably refers to Richard Strauss. You are a total noob if you think music festivals and professional orchestras program silly waltzes all the time when you see Strauss in their repertoire.
"Hey, wanna come to my concert tonight? The conductor's amazing, and we're playing Strauss."

"Uhh...I don't know if I care to hear Emperor Waltz or the Blue Danube again."

"Aww come on- we're talking 'Death and Transfiguration' here!"




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