

俚语 striff


to be excellent; amazing; awesome.

Derrived from the term weird.

L33t spelling: 57r1FF.
Check out my new tattoo! It's totally striff!


To go out with your good friends and get wasted and have one hell of a time.
That party was on the Striff!

Yo man we gonna Striff tonight at the party!?


riffing with random nonsensical phrases strung together out of stuff you're pulling together whole cloth out of thin air that kinda sorta almost makes sense but really dosesn't
You see this crap? "They transmit the narrative they want to manifest by planting it in the subconscious of the mass shared dream reality. If enough of us energise it, it comes online for them. They circulate the hologram and encourage you to focus on it. But we have reclaimed the architecture blueprint. Those who are still aligned with the synthetic blueprint are most at risk when these attacks are circulated." Heh, sounds like the sort of striff written by inspirobot and its ilk, that almost but not quite sounds like sensible speech.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:38:37