Being hypnotized by the lights and ladies of a strip club. The usual result of being stripnotized is coming home covered in glitter, smelling like cocoa butter with an overdraft bank account.
Sean got stripnotized at the bachelor party this weekend and spend all of his money on lapdances.
strip⋅no⋅tize strip-nuh-tahyz
1. A brand of platform shoes, typically worn by strippers and sometimes referred to as porno shoes, manufactured by Maison De Vasan Inc.
-verb, -tized, -tiz⋅ing.
1. To be put into a hypnotic state by a stripper, usually with intentions motivated by financial reasons.
see stripnotized - The usual result of being stripnotized is coming home covered in glitter, smelling like cocoa butter with an overdraft bank account.
1. A brand of platform shoes, typically worn by strippers and sometimes referred to as porno shoes, manufactured by Maison De Vasan Inc.
-verb, -tized, -tiz⋅ing.
1. To be put into a hypnotic state by a stripper, usually with intentions motivated by financial reasons.
see stripnotized - The usual result of being stripnotized is coming home covered in glitter, smelling like cocoa butter with an overdraft bank account.
"I'm gonna stripnotize this customer into paying for a boob job."