

俚语 stroke dick

stroke dick

what faggots do on chatroulette
fag 1: Wanna go out and get drunk?

fag 2: Nah, I'm staying home tonight and gonna stroke dick instead.

Dick Stroke

When your dick gets so hard that the blood pressure in your cock causes a malfunction resembling a stroke in your brain. EXCEPT IT IS YOUR FUCKING DICK!!!!!!!
Nice looking woman walks in.

Guy 1-look at that lady! Damn!
Guy 2- yeah too bad you had a dick stroke last week. Don't think you'll be doing work in her slit.
Guy 1-don't remind me asshole...

Dick Stroking

Phrase, meaning to stroke dick. Lit.

Phrase, meaning to appease another by being a sort of yes man. As if you were stroking their dick to please them into granting you the smallest of favours. Fig.
Pubert: This prompt for Northwestern sounds like a lot of dick stroking.

Jimmy: College essays sound like they want you to respite what you've said at them.
Timmy: That it is Jimmy. Just stroke the dick. Please that admissions person.
Jimmy: Ewww.
Timmy: Dick Stroking, it's figurative dumb shit.

im out here stroking my dick i got lotion on my dick

audio message sent to some random user on instagram around 2018 - 2019 by rapper Stunna Boy Get Em. this was and still is used in meme edits

this isn't the first time he's said something like this either.
stunna boy get em: im out here stroking my dick i got lotion on my dick

people: is he the next big thing out of chicago!?!?

Giant Honey Anal-Attracted Pussy-Preserved Crust-Munching Dick Stroking Monster

A monster mentioned in the 2007 best-seller, 'The Night of Unwelcome Visitors'.
This monster is combined of many people, and is some-what beautiful.
It happens to be a cross-breed of a human, and an animal, and this is what some people call 'disturbing'.

An extract from the story is shown below:
"The only way to defeat the Giant Honey Anal-Attracted Pussy-Preserved Crust-Munching Dick Stroking Monster was to play with its arse, and do a controlled extreme-supreme muscle-power-wank into it’s eyes.
Fred and Alan combined together, and did exactly that, and thus, the monster evaporated into a pile of burnt shit."
"Gerald, Dave, Joe and Jon had a massive gang bang, and all formed and absorbed into one big massive honey loaf of butter crusted anal cheese-like human/mongoose like creature, which couldn’t stop wanking, and had to ejaculate every 10 minutes.
This was now known as the Giant Honey Anal-Attracted Pussy-Preserved Crust-Munching Dick Stroking Monster."

Stroke-dick easy

when something is so easy you can (theoretically) stroke-off while completing the task.
Wife: how was your first day?

Me: the first day was peace of cake, it was stroke-dick easy!

Stroking Dick

When guys are asked about their conversation we call it Stroking Dick.
Hey were y’all hanging earlier ?
Nah we were just stroking Dick




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