

俚语 struggly


The state of being both hideously unattractive, and socially awkward. One who is struggly would have to seriously struggle to fit in to a 'normal' social situation.
"dude, that chick was so struggly that even a hobo would turn down her company...."


A Struggly is essentially a Snuggie with arm space but no holes and footie like style bottoms. They are especially made for small dogs and children and are called "Struggly"'s because they make you struggle on tile floors and other slippery surfaces. Please leave your children and small dogs unnatended when using a Struggly and also feel free to videotape their struggles.

Also comes with an attachable leash .
E : That babies having trouble maneuvering that tile floor

J: Yeah, I just bought it a Struggly.


An affliction affecting couch sitters which prevents them going to bed at a reasonable hour. A victim of the strugglies awakens several times in the evening/early morning, realises that they really should go to bed, yet is unable to separate their bodies from the couch and falls asleep again. The strugglies may cause the victim to fixate on a particular task to be accomplsihed before they can go to bed e.g. shutting down the laptop properly, watching the end of a television program or finishing a glass of wine which they have fallen asleep holding. In their semi-conscious state it is not physically possible to complete such tasks, ensuring that the victim falls asleep again for some number of minutes only to partially awaken later and fall victim to the strugglies once more.
I had the strugglies so bad watching Heroes last night that I didn't get off the couch and go to bed until I got woken up by the paper being delivered.


A state of being where one is struggling to function physically and/or mentally, often after a hangover or serious illness.
Mike: Are you coming out tonight?

Not Mike: Nah, I'm still feeling struggly from the flu. I'm gonna take it easy today.


Gina: You look like death, what the hell is the matter with you?

Not Gina: Mmmph, too much to drink last night. So struggly. Go away.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:55:32