

俚语 struning


Strun/struning, verb, from the Italian, "strunz" or "stronzo" meaning shit or little shits (i.e. "Morning strunz!", as one might greet a police officer walking the beat). Struning or to strun is the action of moving forward while shitting, as a goose might, so that the shit emanating from your tail-end actually produces a kind of parabolic jet trail. Your movement relative to your poop, plus your poop's velocity inside you prior to release, produces this effect.
Struning, pronounced stroo-ning. Try it people! : )
I was so sick from the lobster raviolis and the 12 pack of Pabst I consumed the night before, I woke up in a tub of puke, and almost found myself struning onto my bedroom floor as I ran to the bathroom, but thankfully I made it just in time.


The testicles after being shrunk by the use of steroids; Tiny roid-testicles.
Brian: Tyler's on ROIDS!
Tyler: Shut up fatass!
Brian: Fuck you strunes!


An Italian slang word used in the Godfather series as an insult. You will hear the word used in the Northeastern part of the United States, primarily by Italian-Americans.
"Did you see Steve on the dance floor?" - Meatball

"Yeah bro, he dances like a fuckin strunes" - Waffle


hansons(the boy band) way of trying to spell strewn.:p
"Wings are strune everywhere, there's blood all around .'Cause even angel's die, but that light just fades "




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