

俚语 stumble's


the act of bopping haphazardly around the internet by hitting the "stumble" button on an installed "StumbleUpon.com" toolbar added to your browser--the button will take you to a random site of interest to you (based on preferences you set up before) that you are lead to "stumble upon" because others with similar interests liked it. "Stumbling" the internet is fast becoming an activity as understandable to computer regulars as what simple googling is known to be.
Yeah, ever since Roger downloaded his new SU toolbar, he's off stumbling for hours and tells all his friends googling for fun stuff can't hold a match to the great sites he finds when stumbling.


- walk unsteadily;
- miss a step and fall or nearly fall;
- lurch: an unsteady uneven gait
- encounter by chance
- make an error;
- trip: an unintentional but embarrassing blunder
- "The drunk man stumbled about"
- "She stumbled over the tree root"
- "I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant"
- "She slipped up and revealed the name"
- "he recited the whole poem without a single trip";


To walk in a drunken fashion, or to use the toolbar found at stumbleupon.com .. and the word found in definition #1 should read 'waste'.
Hobo Bob was bored, so he stumbled around for a while. On his Mac, cause he's a n00b. But then again, he was running Unix, so he must be cool.


falling all over the place, usually when drunk.
Cassi was stumbling all over the place, spilling her beer.


The art of fucking something up so bad, it is beyond repair, or physical reconisation
Dont stumble that up! Youll ruin it!

Nice job Stumble-ing up my game cody


A toolbar, a random search tool and an eclectic community. Yet another way the evil internet waists my time.
You want some weird shit, go stumble.

The Stumbling

only the best song in the world; created by scuppios
Man 1: Have you heard of The Stumbling?

Man 2: No

Man 1: It's only the best song ever, created by scuppios

Man 2: I literally didn't ask




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:35:32