

俚语 stundard


Someone who is stupid by choice. These people resemble retards in their knowledge of most things, but have a normal functioning brain capacity. Presented with a means of education, they don't accept it. Some psychiatrists say stundards have learning disabilities, 90% of the time it's just a dumb, lazy, good-for-nothing mother fucker.

Retards get way more respect than stundards.
Me: I got an A in my trigonometry class, man!
Stundard: I only made it to third grade science. I don't care about that shit.


Dullard's stunned 'standard' or stundards.

"To speak here of property (in the soil) as one speaks of property in an article of use is to renounce thought"

- Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (1944)
Full Nutbar Trumpian F*ckwittery remained due to the Stundards set by 45th POTUS.




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