

俚语 stunt song

stunt song

A song in an album that is so clearly about one person that it makes everyone think the rest of the album is about that same person, when really the one song was written to distract from who the album is actually talking about, because sometimes the artist doesn’t want to say who it’s about because they could get in trouble. Some people might say the song “Style” by Taylor Swift is a stunt song because it’s almost too obvious.
Person 1: Wow style is definitely about Harry styles, I bet the other songs are about him too

Person 2: it could just be a stunt song

stunt song

A song on an album made to cover up something, like a relationship. It causes a distraction usually to the general public . Makes people look in another direction so the artist won’t have to name the person or event it’s really about. (not always wanted by the artist, sometimes they have to because of record labels, managers, contracts etc.)
moot: carolina is my favorite stunt song
other moot: nooo cherry is the best>




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:36:30