

俚语 sucker fishing

sucker fishing

The sexual act of a woman inserting her vagina lips into a mans butt hole.
Katie: I went sucker fishing with Jim in the bath last night, it was his first time.

Sucker Fish

A person devoid of any real talent or skill, who denigrates others in order to gain social status or improve their social position.
Person 1: This guy keeps harassing me
Person 2: Don't mind him, he's just a sucker fish

Sucker Fish

1) A fish that goes in a fish tank and eats all the mossy green crap from other fish you have in with the Sucker Fish. (It sucks the side of the fish tank and rocks and other accesories in the fish tank.)

2) An insult. Sometimes people say you look like a sucker fish
maybe because you have a big nose or a round, big mouth.
1) "I bought a Sucker Fish so i wont have to clean my fish tank as often".

2) "Oh my god, Juiley looks like a sucker fish"

Demonic sucker fish

A big fish that looks cute and fun but if you pet it ti will bite and rip off your arm and then start sucking your blood.
Oh wow! look out for that demonic sucker fish

Circle K Sucker Fish

The tweakers in Phoenix that have no teeth left and subside on Big Gulps.
The I17 off-ramp is the natural habitat of the Circle K Sucker Fish




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