

俚语 sucker tits

Sucker Tits

Tits so pert it's impossible not suck her tits or sucker tits. Nipple must be pink and pointy. Shape of said breast must be of a crescent variety
O man. I wanted to sucker tits so bad it hurt my tip.

tit sucker

(n) A mooch, a sponge, a ne'er-do-well or a person who lives off of someone else and sits in the house all day on his fat ass because he's too much of a douchebag to get a job and carry his own weight.
Betty: Paul is nothing but a tit sucker, you know.
Robert: Yes, I know. He uses her for her money and a roof over his head.
Betty: Just like a greedy puppy... he grabs hold of one tit and won't let go. What a tit sucker!

Tit sucker

A mamas boy who always talks about his mother doing shit for him
Austin: I love my mommy so much!! , she made me cookies today

Jacob: you're lowkey a tit sucker bruh

tit suckers

any tit suckers?

tit sucker 3000

Want a warm glass of milk but don’t have any? Just use your tit sucker 3000 to get the milk out for you!
“Mom I am so thirsty but we have no milk.”
“Oh I’ll just use my tit sucker 3000 to get you a glass!”

shit piss fuck cunt cock-sucker mother-fucker tits fart turd and twat

The words you aren't allowed to say on TV because they are always swears as compiled my George Carlin.
"Gee Grandma, I'd have to say that those guys in Blink 182 ripped off Carlin when they recorded shit piss fuck cunt cock-sucker mother-fucker tits."

shit piss fuck cunt cock-sucker mother-fucker tits fart turd and twat

1) another way to describe my family

2) the lyrics to the blink 182 song, family reunion. it is repeated 4 times, then followed by: i fucked your mom

3) a really fun thing to say infront of an adult (try it)
do you really need an example for this?




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:29:53