

俚语 sugarize


to appeal to oneself.
I did not want to sugarize myself or do anything just to appeal to other people.


The application by which granulated or non-granulated sugar is top coated onto a food item; most commonly donuts.
Please sugarize my donuts


The same as darling, baby, bae, said to a significant other or people in general to show affection.
How are you, sugar? I’ve missed you.
Hey, sugar. Long time, no see.


When a girl/woman is working a for-profit relationship with a man or woman.
Stacy got that nice rack and car sugaring.


The act of being a sugar baby
Oh yeah Janice just got a new Tesla! I think she’s been sugaring!


A form of torture mostly used in prison consisting of mixing sugar and boiling water. Once applied to the skin it acts almost like acid melting it away
That c**t took my burn out my pad last night.... when I catch him he's getting sugared

The Sugars

An old Southern American term for sugar diabetes. Most notably used in a Saturday Night Live sketch featuring Kristen Wiig as Paula Deen.
I have what my mama used to call "the sugars".




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:43:05