

俚语 ()\/\/n3|)


Another form of OWN3D.
To conquer someone with overwhelming awesomeness.
*Guy1 destroys Guy2 in Counter Strike*
Guy1: "()\\/\\/N3|)"


- No Name Noob

Someone who is new to an online video game and thinks they're the best, oblivious to the fact that they actually suck. Will call anyone a noob, even though they are actually a noob themselves

N3:"oMg iMa PwNz ALLz y0Uz n00bRz, iM tH3 0wn4g3"
Normal Guy: "No"
N3: "o y3a, i'LL t0TaLLy rAp3 yoU oNLin3"
Normal Guy: "LMAO this guy is such an N3"


"No Name Noob" originated from MGO, and is used to identify scrub players.
ProPlayer: Yo who's this kid talking sh*t?

ProPlayer2: I don't know, some random n3 I guess.


A text abbreviation for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus smart phone, also known as the 'Nexus 3'.
I own HTC's N1 right now, but didn't feel like upgrading to the NS was worth it, but the tech specs on the N3 are amazing! I'm definitely getting it!


a noob who any noob can own
damn ur almost as bad as n3


Literally stands for noob x 3, therefore he is three times the noob level than that of a standard noob.
n3s a noob :P


An NS player who finds it difficult to give players med packs.
Damn your almost as bad as N3 when it comes to medding.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:01:36