

俚语 summer school

summer school

school that takes place during the summer

also known as hell

you will end up at summer school if you
a) drag ass during the normal school year
b) choose to take extra classes and/or graduate early
"fuck getting up early during the summer... next year i'm gonna pay attention and do my homework."

summer school

Summer school is a jail for people who fail at education.
Your badass man you served 2 months summer school time...

summer school

school which takes places, otherwise know as LIVING HELL!
Damnit, I knew if i didn't pay attetion I was gonna have to go to summer school wake up early to see those fucking teachers that hated me so much..

summer school

school that takes place during the summer

also known as hell

you will end up at summer school if you
a) drag ass during the normal school year
b) choose to take extra classes and/or graduate early

At summer school, one may commonly find: lazy white boys, anorexic girls with I.Q.s lower than their body weight, "gangstas" (see aka_Pyro's "gangsta" definition), and steroid maddened jockfaces.
Summer school is a common habitat to gangstas.
What it really means to be gangsta:

G: god-
A: awful,
N: no-brained,
G: gouch-
S: sniffing,
T: turd-encrusted,
A: ass clown.

summer school

School that commences in the summer.

Even though summer school is in the summer, it is much easier to get an A because the majority of the students who take it don't do well in school anyway.
dude, i'm taking math in summer school, i'll have like 120 percent when it's all finished!

summer school

1. Where you go during the summer because you are too stupid to study and focus on school the regular year.

2.To describe someone with no class
1. Fuck summer school! I should probably just drop out and work at McDonald's for the rest of my life.

2. Shandra stole Kenshia's boyfriend, therefore Shandra is considered summer school.

Summer School

Some bullshit, teachers created to torture kids just because their summer is boring and they get paid.
Guy: Aye foo, u got summer school
Guy2: Ya. Im bout to die




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