

俚语 sundial


Tanning naked with an erection to avoid embarrassing penis wrinkle tan lines.
Dude 1: Yo, why are you laying by the pool naked?
Dude 2: I'm tanning my penis.
Dude 1: Don't you know you can only get a nice even wang tan
when you have a boner? Rub that into a sundial.
Dude 2: Shit. good call.
Dude 1: What time is it?


The art of taking a massive dump that stands straight up out of the water much like a sundial standing straight out of the sand
O dude i took a huge as shit yesterday and you won't believe it.....IT WAS A SUNDIAL!

sundial pizza

the slowest pizza place on the planet. generally tastes like cardboard. average delivery time: 2 hours.
Bob: Hey I think I'll be hungry in three hours, better order sundial pizza now.

Kentucky Sundial

The action of moving your boner from the 6 o'clock position to the 12 o'clock position and tucking it into your waistband, to avoid the embarrassment of showing your spam javelin in public.
Duuuude I had to give myself a Kentucky Sundial before I went up to the chalkboard to do that math problem!

California sundial

When one gets an erection while laying on their back on a sunny day, causing a shadow which can be used to tell time.
Does anybody wana get on my California sundial?

High Noon on my Sundial

This is a very slang term to say that you have an erection.
Proper use of this is when a hot girl comes up to you to ask what time it is and you reply with this.
I heard this on the show "Beevus and Butthead."
Hot girl: Do you know what time it is?
Guy with erection: It's High Noon on my sundial.

Norwegian Sundial

The opposite of a Swiss Watch/ Swiss Colon. A digestive tract that could go off at any time within a 24 hour window.
That curry turned my arse from a Swiss Watch to a Norwegian Sundial.




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