

俚语 sup dude

Sup dude

Casual greeting between strangers
John: Sup dude, how’s it going
Andrew: Good, how about yourself

sup dude

the only way to properly greet someone
sup dude?

Sup dude?

When you and someone else are in an argument, and the other person says they are better than you (scored more goals in a game, got a better grade, etc.) and you tell them you got the better grade or what not, adding on the end, "sup dude?" in a nonchalant manner, just to rub it in.
Jake- "Hey man, how'd you do on the test last week?"
Mike- "I got a 95, how'd you do?"
Jake- "I got a 98, sup dude?"

sup dude?

dude, sup?
"sup dude?"
"dude sup?"

Sup Dude

The word you say to great your gangsta buddies. The gang version means lets meet up and bang someone. The version you say to someone else means I want to bang you.
Dude: Sup Dude

sup dude

A phrase extremely overused by people who are getting shittttyy! Often used as a retorical question agreeing to another persons comment instead of actually asking someone whats up.
"dude brad this chicken is delicous!"
"sup dude!"

Sup Ma Dudes

An informal way to greet somebody.
Hello, homies! Sup ma dudes!




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