The name of a particularly potent kind of LSD that was made in California, USA.
That Superfantastic acis sure lived up to its name!
A make believe word used to describe something that is really really really good. Usually used by extreme optimists such as celia's mom.
Paul: hey jody how are you today?
Jody: I'm more than good, I'm superfantastic!
Jody: I'm more than good, I'm superfantastic!
really great or super.
that idea is superfantastical .
Super and fantastical all at the same time, with amplified impact.
Someone does something that was really well done: "That was superfantastical"
A way of describing something that's absolutley wonderful, such as a good friend, a tasty piece of cheese, or any other excellent object.
You will be my superfantastic friend forever!
I had the most superfantastic dream last night.
I had the most superfantastic dream last night.
-Something that is Super and Fantastic at the same time
-Anjas Bebo
-Anjas Bebo
-"That Shoe is like so totaly SuperFantastic"