A device with inside temperatures of -40°C, with some of these devices clocking in at -50°C.
Weatherman: Today is Super-Fridge weather, with widespread temperatures of -40°C, -50°C is likely and -55°C is possible.
Minecrafter: Wow, I didn't know that Super-Fridges existed, but do they really work at -40°C or at -50°C?
Product Reviewer: Yes they do. In fact, four of them work at temperatures as low as -115°C!
Minecrafter: Wow...
Minecrafter: Wow, I didn't know that Super-Fridges existed, but do they really work at -40°C or at -50°C?
Product Reviewer: Yes they do. In fact, four of them work at temperatures as low as -115°C!
Minecrafter: Wow...