

俚语 bhj


the "BHJ": A sexual act given to someone using the hand; however, using the hand in an upside-down U shape and smacking the head and shaft of the penis, quite unlike the typical jerk off formation of the hand. Thus, the term "bad" hand job arises after a poor misinformed girl performs this act onto a fellow male companion
Megan: I want to give you a hand job.
Todd: OK, jerk me off baby.

Megan proceeds to give a BHJ (bad hand job) to Todd failing to stimulate him


It should be noted that the Swede, and all people alike did not actually "do" the BHJ when a scored was scored. However, they mimicked the hand motion of the god-awful 'bad hand job'.
The world record for the largest BHJ: March 22, 2003: after scoring the first goal in the Penguin Cup game, the Swede does a full arm, full rotation BHJ from the goal line to our bench.

The world record for the most BHJ's in one place: March 22, 2003, everyone is the god damn arena.


The "BHJ" is especially loved by the Swede, and most likely all Scandanavian-Americans. Filip Sevedson-Haauka, we will never forget you.
1) After the Swede scores a goal, he does the BHJ!

2) Because of the Swede's obsession, the whole team, coaching staff, fan section, and parent section begins to give salute with the "BHJ"!




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