

俚语 super lesbian

Super lesbian

A sexual orientation in which one prefers only the same sex with the exclusion of transgender people, especially trans women.

Girl 1: I would not date a transgender woman.

Girl 2: You’re transphobic.

Girl 1: No, I’m Super Lesbian.
Mary is a super lesbian, she only dates women, not transwomen.

Super Lesbian

A super sexuality identified by attraction solely to biological women and not ladyboys.
As a Super Lesbian, I am attracted only to biological women and honestly all these lesbian dating sites trying to force me into rapey relations with biological men sickens me to my stomach.

Super Lesbian

When a woman shows sexual attraction only towards other women who are also cisgender. Meaning, a woman who is only attracted to women who are also born female. The lesbian equivalent of super straight.
Lily was in my DMs, saying how much I’d like her girl-dick but I said nah, I’m super lesbian.

Super Lesbian

A trans-exclusionary form of homosexuality that refers to cisgender women who are only attracted to cisgender women. It is a troll orientation inspired by super straight and is not a valid orientation.
Person 1: I will only date other biological women because I'm a Super Lesbian!
Person 2: Sounds like you just have a preference, no need to make it a whole thing.

Super Lesbian

When two lesbian guilds become one.
tFG merged with THs, they are now Super Lesbians!

Super Duper Lesbian

Lesbians that won’t date bi-sexual girls
Things were going great until she found out I was bi. She immediately unmatched me, she must be a super duper lesbian!




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