

俚语 super pussy

Super Pussy

Vaginal walls so powerful that they can break a stiff dick with a single contraction.
I'm done screwing that ho. She's got a Super Pussy that grabs my dick and practically breaks it it into pieces!

Super Pussy

When being a pussy is no longer describable. Your no longer a pussy your a super pussy.
Damn dude. Them nigges turned ant into a super pussy!

super pussy kick

A kick to a pussy involving at least a 30 meter running start and a strong follow through; acceptable outcomes would be getting your foot stuck, having her achieve air time, or the ending of any relationship with the recipient.
I didn't know how to break up with her, so I gave her a super pussy kick.

super witch pussy

Super witch pussy: pussy so good it puts a spell on you
That pussy is so good, it's some super witch pussy because it puts a spell on you. #SWP

Super Soaker Pussy

When she is hella wet.
Hey Jerry, that bitch last night had a Super Soaker Pussy.

Super Soaker Pussy

When that bitch is hella wet.
Hey Larry, that bitch that I fucked last night had a Super Soaker Pussy

super pussy slow

An automobile moving at least 10 mph below the speed limit and braking too much.
I'm late because the car in front of me was driving super pussy slow.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:51:44