

俚语 super-sizing

super size

An adjective used by McDonalds and other fast-food restaurants meaning that the largest possible fries and drink will be coming with your meal.
I got my #1 super sized. Can you imagine eating this junk three times a day like that guy in the movie Super Size Me?

super size

means to engane is sextual intercourse with the opposite sex.
man that girl is looking hot, i'd super size that.
or u wanna super size that or wat?

super sized mcshizzel

Super Sized Mcshizzel is the definition of hot. It’s Leo Valdez baby
Leo Valdez is so hot, he is totally the Super Sized Mcshizzel

super size me

A documentary by Morgan Spurlock where he goes on a McDiet (McDonald's diet) for 30 days and shows the dangerous effect that junk food has on you.
After watching Super Size Me I decided to go to Burger King instead.

Super size her

When some girl have supersized boobs.
"Oh, dude did you saw that girl?"
"Yeah, super size her."

super size me

An excellent documentary/one and three quarter hour long McDonalds commercial.
After watching Super size me, shane and myself had to get some big macs.....i think we missed the message

Super-size that ho

1.to get that "ho" prego
2.to plant the "seed" in that skank
3.to become a "baby's daddy"
4.to "Prego" that "Ego"
5.an old sea captain's phrase meaning, "to endure the seasons comings"
1. "Dat bitch was givin' me the stank eye, so I super-sized that ho!"

2."Baby, don't get mad... I was just super-sizin' ya."

3."Ay.... the sea be super-sizing this ho."

4. Souja Boy Tell'um might say, "Super-size that ho."




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