

俚语 super sketch

Super Sketch

A person or persons that is very skecthy. A super sketch would be abnormally sketchy - beyond repair. See sketch or sketchy and then multiple that awesome personality trait by 100%. A super sketch could also be someone that backstabs people and talks a lot of shit about people.
Jim, I am getting that vibe that Susan is a super sketch. She is very nosey and she seems like the type of person to tell everyone your personal stories.

super sketch bail nar

When something is so sketchy it is super sketch, forcing you to bail immediantly or face serious injuries. The nar is derived from nar nar which mean something really serious which was added to implement the serverity.
Dude #1- Dude, did you see the surfing competition yesterday?

Cameron Larson- Ya bra, the waves out there were super sketch bail nar!




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