

俚语 sup, yo?

sup, yo?

Used to initiate conversation with your close friends. Usually followed by "BITCH" or something of the likes, it is a very useable phrase.
BOB: Sup, yo? Bitch? Wat up nigga?
FRED: Call me Bitch again and i'll break ur face!

sup yo

1. A greeting 2. Hello
Whitey: Hello, and how are you this fine morining sir?

Tyrone: sup yo?

Sup Yo

a way to say "what's up?"
Bob: Sup Yo?

Jill: nothing much.

sup yo

wuts up
hey sup yo

sup yo dog money

orignated from the acronym SYDM (shut your damn mouth) but has become the nonsensical phrase for "what's happening/going on?"
"hey, sup yo dog money!"

yo sup

hey, how are you doing
john "yo sup"
sarah " not much u"

Yo Sup Nigga

A common greeting between two niggers

However if a white person uses the exact same
phrase when greeting a nigger, they are highly

1st. Nigger: Yo Sup Nigga?

2nd. Nigger: Hey Bro, Sup wit you nigga?




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