

俚语 suspect's


When you think something is going to happen, but don't want to believe it because you'll jinx it.
Did the surprise party live up to your suspectations?


A term used to identify any noun as being suspicious.
I don't trust Joe, he kinda suspect.


A suspicion, leading to an investigation...
I was doubtful of his motives, so I began my suspection.


an extremely sketchy individual or situation that raises suspicion, or any comment made by an individual that causes uncertainty and/or awkward situations.
Sean: "Yo Michael, you heard Old Man Jenkins was at Michelle's 4th birthday party?"

Michael: "That's suspect as hell. WTF"

James: "Bro I finally caught two squirrels yesterday."
Billy: "Why were you trying to catch squirrels?"
James: "Don't worry about it........"
Billy: "That's so suspect......"


A guy that you think is gay, or is acting verry homosexual.
1. (Benny) Man this guy is such a suspect.
(suspect) Hello possums....
(Cridder) Definately a suspect!

2. (Benny) that dude is acting suspect man.
(Cridder) For sure look at his limp wristedness.


a term used to describe somthing that you do not trust.
"this car looks good"
but the other one looks kind of suspect"


person who's sexual preference is questionable - gives others reason to be suspicious of his/her heterosexuality - gives off homosexual vibes and displays characteristics common to the homosexual community
Look at the way femine way that Gary walks. He's a suspect.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:54:04