Amongus sussy baka
Something to say that will solve awkward silences (Hopefully)
V: hey I've been meaning to talk about our relationship....Where are we right now?
S: *Whispers sweetly* Amongus sussy baka.......
V: Oh okay cool :)
S: *Whispers sweetly* Amongus sussy baka.......
V: Oh okay cool :)
Amongus sussy baka Turip
Epic Gamer Move. You do not understand his chadness
Damn bro, he do be acting like the amongus sussy baka turip
sussy amongus baka
sussy = suspicious
amongus = among us
baka = fool
amongus = among us
baka = fool
look at that sussy amongus baka
ye he sus
ye he sus
Amongus Sussy Baka Turip
Epic Gamer Moment. You are too dumb for his chadness.
OMG! Robert just did the Amongus Sussy Baka Turip movement.