Sussy Boy
A Sussy Boy is a nigga who fake as fuck and ain't shit
David: Aye, should we hang out with Jonathan?
Vince: Nah, that nigga a Sussy Boy
Vince: Nah, that nigga a Sussy Boy
sussy boy
A boy who is doing the act of being sussy; a sussy boy.
"Do you see that sussy boy?"
"I do, he's really sus"
"I do, he's really sus"
Sussy boy
Someone who extremely suspicious, and happens to be a boy.
You’re a Sussy boy, you killed red and then vented. SUSUSSSUSUSUUSUS.
Sussy boi
A person who is very suspicious.
Me: why are you so sussy boi
Him: i vented lol
Me: oh shit
Him: i vented lol
Me: oh shit
Sussy boy
A guy thats sus.
Creon : Yo do you wanna hang out with Sidney
Ethan : Nah man he's gay , he's a sussy boy
Creon : Ok then . We don't hang out with sussy boys
Ethan : Nah man he's gay , he's a sussy boy
Creon : Ok then . We don't hang out with sussy boys
ඞ sussy boi
you are ඞ sussy boi idot
sussy among us boi imposter boi furry
when someone is being suspicious and they are acting like a furry, call them this to let them know they are being suspicious and not funny because no one like them.
Person 1(sussy among us boi imposter boi furry): Tonight, I am going to the furry con, #furryforlife! I'm gonna get real lucky tonight and feel so good!
Person 2(normal): Bro, what the-? Cut it, your being so sus. You are such a sussy among us imposter boi furry
Person 2(normal): Bro, what the-? Cut it, your being so sus. You are such a sussy among us imposter boi furry