

俚语 swagbag

SWAG bag

acronym Stuff We All Get
Everyone entering the event will get a swag bag

Swag Bag

A goodie bag that contains various useless yet irreplaceable items packed into a dufflebag, usually given at parties or by sponsers. Sometimes just useless house-hold items with a brand-name insignia on them
"Our sponsers left us a Swag Bag full of cool merch, such as one-zie pajamas" - Mark, Real World Road Rules Challenge Challenge

Swag Bag

A bag of fake drugs that is sold as real to someone thats not too smart. "Before I Go Without A Pack I Swag Pack (aka Swag Bag)
Lame Ass Nigga Tried To Come To The Spot And Score Somthing, So I Sold His Dumb Ass A Swag Bag


(n) a term used to describe the cocky douche-bags who use the term "swag" constantly
If i hear the word "swag" one more time im gonna punch one of these swag-bags in the throat!

Swag Bag

Similar to the phraseIn my Bag, and Swag. Refers specifically to a state of confidence, charm, and luck with the opposite sex. Usually due to dress, attitude, or level of intoxication.
Guy1-"Hey, have you seen Jesse?"

Guy2-"Yeah, he just walked out with that fine ass white girl."

Guy1-"Oh shit, foreal? I saw him fuckin' with that Asian chick on the dancefloor earlier..."

Guy2-"Yeah dougie, he's in his swag bag tonight."

Swag Bag

An improvised condom, often used when an actual condom cannot be found in time.

i.e. Publix bag, Doritos bag, ceram wrap, glove
The one time I didnt have a condom, I used a swag bag.


A bag used by people who have too much swag for their body to contain, in which they store their excess swag.
person 1: hey man, can you hold this for me.
person 2: no, sorry man, my hands are full.
person 1: oh what are you holding?
person 2: it's my Swag-Bag.
person 1: my bad man, I always wondered how you were able to have such a high level of swag.
person 2: yeah, I have a swag level over 9000




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:53:03