

俚语 swamp bog

swamp bog

\\ˈswämp\\ \\ˈbäg\\

Function: noun

1. usually vulgar: stinky, sweaty, smelly, gross, or generally foul female genital organs
2. usually vulgar: when unseen, a powerful force luring unwitting men into sin; yet when seen, smelled, or otherwise handled, a dangerous force that should repel all but often acts more like a sticky black tar - infecting all who enter with a coating of nastiness that refuses to wash clean

swamp boggy - adjective
Friend: Ohh man, that dragon that you mistook for a princess last night probably had the foulest swamp bog this side o' the Mississip. How horrible did your fingers smell this morning, Andy?

Andy: Dude, I don't think this smell will ever come off. I must have been pretty sauced.

Friend: No, not really. But its cool.

Mossy Swamp Bog Fuck

When a person filming for National Geographic (or any nature show with David Attenborough) has to disguise themself as wildlife an the surrounding wildlife is horny wildlife that interferes with the cameraman's work through attempted inter-species intercourse.
I was filming Alligators for the new "Great Planet" series and got Mossy Swamp Bog Fucked




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