Biblical Tweets
Tweets announcing, the end of the world in 2012 or any other impending disaster.
Tweets sent by characters mentioned in The Bible.
Tweets sent by characters mentioned in The Bible.
Top Biblical Tweets:
Ark was already full, so I had to tell the @dragons, @dinosaurs, and @unicorns I´d be "right back to pick them up." #my bad #extinction.
10:55 AM June 28, 6345 BC from Tweet Deck
(Alec McNayr and Alan Beard, Top 7 'Historical Tweets' From The Bible)
Ark was already full, so I had to tell the @dragons, @dinosaurs, and @unicorns I´d be "right back to pick them up." #my bad #extinction.
10:55 AM June 28, 6345 BC from Tweet Deck
(Alec McNayr and Alan Beard, Top 7 'Historical Tweets' From The Bible)