

俚语 sweet pussy

sweet pussy

when a pussy is sweet in taste
hi faye, how about you let me lick that sweet pussy.

sweet pussy

pussythat taste's oh so sweet, sweetpussy.
hi faye, how about you come round and let me lick that sweetpussy.

sweet pussy

The ultimate level of expression. Being pro about what you do. Bringing the outmost from within, out.
My art, without a doubt, makes me feel sweet pussy. I'm a sweet pussy artist.

Sweet Pussy Saturday

Sweet Pussy Saturday is a day for the girls. You get your good girlfriends together, turn tf up, break boys hearts and empty their wallets.
I know the girls are partying today, its Sweet Pussy Saturday

sweet sour pussy

The act when putting sweet sour sauce on some bitches pussy and licking or sucking it off her pussy.
Dude look at that sweet sour pussy.

sweet in the pussy

An inclusive term for all types of consensual intercourse
Greg is getting sweet in the pussy tonight!




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