

俚语 swella


Swella is recognised as a girls name with an amazing character. She’s known to be kind and generous. Swella’s are usually quiet and shy but are very lively when comfortable with the person. She’s looked up for being creative and having great personality. However it can be really hard for her to express emotions, and can quite doubt themselves for a lot of reasons. If you ever come across this person make sure your friends with her and respect her because it’s very hard to come across someone with a unique name like her.
“ Swella’s almost like a princess” 👑


When something is hella swell.
That window is swella clear bro.

Mega swella

A advance version of big swella it means a large swollen horse like penis
Have you heard he has a mega swella

swella good

the perfect high
Awe man, that bowl got me swella good


Swell-fella (fellow). Someone who's thoroughly nice to be around. One of the boys, a real one.
Everyone knows John, John's a swella.

What a real one, that John swella.


A term for large penis
That guy has a swella




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:47:33