

俚语 swoped


being raped but enjoying it
this creepy highschool teacher swoped me really hard


A person who loves all the haters on this website. Swope is when you are the shit and you know it and don't give a fuck. Swope is when you all you do is win. Swope is when you jock hard and frat harder.
Pledge 1: I wanna be like that brother one day.

Pledge 2: Dude your so right he's on total Swope mode


To completely unnecesarily and quite unapologetically royally fuck over an innocent (and oftentimes, extremely moral, religious, gregarious, considerate, dutiful and helpful) person for absolutely no reason other than either one's own personal amusement or sheer laziness. Named after landlord Paul Swope.
When fraternity brothers Terry, Jason L., Jason K., Andy & Brad lived at Chester Street, the toilet got clogged up one day. But each of us was far too lazy to fix it, or just simply call the landlord, Paul Swope. So we kept using the toilet until it was filled to the brim. When it got to the point we had to go Burger King across the street to use a bathroom, we finally told Swope about the problem. When he came over and saw the mess, he was understandably disgusted, entirely perplexed and justifiably pissed off. But turning the other cheek as his pious Christian upbringing commanded him, he dutifully plunged the toilet, cleaned the entire bathroom mess and left us a good-natured humorous note which read "Thank you for allowing me to humble myself by cleaning your toilet of excrement, as I had nothing better to do today. In the future, may I suggest that you not place a family size bar of Ivory soap on the toilet. Or, if this is impossible to refrain from, then to simply not continue to use the toilet when it is obvious it's clogged." When we all stopped laughing uproariously, we then found that he had even brought over his wife's homemade freshly baked cookies as a peace offering which would hopefully curb our boorish behavior. Despite this, Terry continued to bounce rent checks on him (and Officer Kwong). DAMN, DID WE SWOPE THAT GUY!


30 year old script kiddie that has spent the majority of his life on Undernet
Swope hearts Breinne.


A schizophrenic
That cat on the corner sure is the filthiest swope I've ever seen. Suicide would be a much better life for her.


Combination of Sweet and Dope, means that person or thing is really cool
That's fuckin' swope bro


When someone has swag and is dope.

They are to swag and dope to be qualified as either one, so you call them this word.
Bob: "Kyle's a pretty dope guy!"
Eric: "He's got some swag too!"
Bob: "Let's just say he's freakin swope!"
Eric: "Haha, yeah, he's swope!!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:59:42