"Swordburst" is the name of a small franchise of RPG games on the Roblox platform and is a Roblox-Spin-Off of the Large Japanese Anime: Sword Art Online. Swordbusrt started with a game called "Swordburst Online" which is still up today and was created in 2014 by user "AbstractAlex". Then, in 2017, "Swordburst 2" was released. The game was created mainly by a team of 4 users: AbstractAlex; Who was the project lead and Scripting, 0Kevin0; Who helped with enemy design and animations, Slevin; Who built most of the 10 floors in the game, and Instantiated; Who also contributed to scripting. Currently (January 2020), Swordbursts' Floors and possibly its game design is getting Remastered. The developers are mostly focused on making their newer game "World // Zero".
"Swordburst Online should get more updates."
swordburst 2
A cool game in a lego game called "roblox" Swordburst 2 is a ripoff game of a weeaboo cartoon named sword art online.This game is also known as "Farming/Grinding simulator 2017/2018" So the basics of the game is you level up a few levels get a stronger weapon or something idk,It's basicly like a RPG smh.Every weapon,Armor gets like outdated after each month because the game updates like every week.
Oh boy I got a loot from a boss from Swordburst 2 time for me to sell it before it gets outdat- *The developers insert a higher floor update* ok