

俚语 synchronicitous


adj. of or relating to synchronicity. Coined by Roseanne Barr on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 10/3/19 Timestamp 12:34
The repeated appearance of the number 11 throughout daily life is something truly synchronicitous.

synchronicit causality

The phenomenon where in people that are geographically separated experience a coincidence with no other possible explanation, that would not have happened otherwise.
You pick up the phone to dial your sister, and she is already on the line without dialing, or the phone ringing, as she has already called you.

But you know that if you did not go to call her, she would not have tried to call you - synchronicit causality

It was the act of picking up the phone that precipitated the event.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:54:04