syn· er· dy /ˈsi-nər-dē / n. Etym. blend of Latin synergia n. and nerd n.: the dynamic, mutually reinforcing interaction of nerds who, in collaboration, display a passion and aptitude for topics and/or endeavors commonly perceived as weird, boring, or otherwise unpopular at a level that exceeds the highest level of any individual contribution.
adj. syn-er-dis-tic /si-nər-dis-tik/
adv. syn-er-dis-tic-al-ly /si-nər-dis-tik-li/
n. syn-er-dism /si-nər-diz-uhm/
n. syn-er-dist /si-nər-dist/
adj. syn-er-dis-tic /si-nər-dis-tik/
adv. syn-er-dis-tic-al-ly /si-nər-dis-tik-li/
n. syn-er-dism /si-nər-diz-uhm/
n. syn-er-dist /si-nər-dist/
It is their unparalleled synerdy that makes the Best Buy sales team a favorite at the local improv club.