A term for a person who lives in a low class street, usually referred to a "Hood". The word comes from modern Polish/Slavic language, and is used as an insult, compliment, and humorous way to say homie. The word is also used to describe a person who lives in a slum, or highly populated urban residential area consisting mostly of closely packed, decrepit housing units in a situation of deteriorated or incomplete infrastructure, inhabited primarily by impoverished persons.
It can also describe an actual slum in the modern Polish/ Slavic language
It can also describe an actual slum in the modern Polish/ Slavic language
"I'm Going to the szlums east of town, theres a fast food place just in the center of the szlums."
It can also be used like, " Hello szlum, you like your garbage town"
It can also be used like, " Hello szlum, you like your garbage town"