A 1970s term for one with out taste or one who is tacky.
Wow she has a crystal chandelier over a bathtub...what a tacker.
Little Tackers
Small Children (Australian Vernacular)
Those little tackers are full of beans today.
willie tacker
A person that grabs another person's beard.
When Harold was a little boy he went to see Santa at the mall. When he tried to pull Santa's beard off to see if he was the real Santa, he was being a willie tacker.
Word Tacker
Someone who adds words onto other people's funny slogans or sayings, then they kill the joke and sound really stupid
Kelly Connolly just tacked on the word "nigga" to the sentence to entertain herself. She is such a word tacker!
meaning you have a small penis
you are never gonna get laid with that bean-basher-willy-tacker
physically looking and feeling tired (looking rough)
where have you been all night, you look tackered.