

俚语 taco dropping

Taco dropping

When a girl has to run to the bathroom after a guy cums inside her. The cum drips out as she cups her pussy and waddles down to the bathroom
My dog cleans up my girlfriends taco droppings

taco drop

the female version of tea bagging; when a woman drops her v-lips on your face
I felt so bad when I found out that Jenny taco dropped me last night.

saucy taco drop

please see definition for taco drop.... this version of the taco drop requires menstration to be done correctly however, a yeast infection will suffice as a "sauce" substitute.
Jeremy really pissed me off so i waited for his drunk ass to pass out and I saucy taco dropped him!

drop taco

Farting, especially after consumption of tacos.
Damn it dude, did you just drop taco?

dropped taco

When a girl loses her virginity, she is said to have "dropped her taco", thus breaking it.
"OMGGGGG i dropped my taco last night! :)))"

"I made her drop her taco."

"I cant blieve i dropped taco to him ::((( omgg lol now i mite as wel b slut."

"Dude, it's a shame how many women are willing to drop their tacos... just to drop their tacos."




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