

俚语 tacoing


The act of purchasing a 12 taco party pack from taco bell and using the tacos to egg houses and cars.
Instead of buying a dozen eggs to egg a house, you get a dozen tacos.
Jim and I went tacoing last night, we got so many houses.


Tacoing, the act of removing someones stuff from their backpack, turning their backpack inside out, and afterwards putting their things back in. A more advanced version is the taco salad, which is the same, except you tear up peaces of paper to fill the backpack with. See Nuggeting.
Brent was being a douche so we tacoed his backpack.

Tacoing is a great prank.


Teabagging for females.
He was passed out drunk, and she was tacoing him!

Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos

It is the word "Tacos" typed or written out 9 times. It has no purpose.
Lucy: Hey can see your Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos?
Cheese Dood: What the actual frick......

taco taco pizza taco taco

What results when one takes a taco, places it on a taco pizza, folds the pizza into the shape of a taco, and places the folded pizza into a giant taco shell.
Ralph: Dude, I've got mad munchies. A taco taco pizza taco taco would be sweet right about now!
Larry: Yeah dude!


1. The best food ever made.
1. Holy shit tacos are good.


That is the juiciest taco I have ever seen.




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