tongue taco
(v). and (n). The ability to twist one's tonque into the shape of a taco shell, resulting in a look resembling a taco shell "V" curve.
Tongue tacoing isn't that hard to do. You just have to flex your tongue muscles, and voila! you have a tonque taco.
tongue taco
When ones tongue is kept in the shape of a taco shell, filled with the desired ingredients and then inserted into a persons vagina or rectum.
"What do you want on your tongue taco babygirl?"
"Chopped onions, minced garlic and some avocado. No meat though; I'm vegetarian"
"Chopped onions, minced garlic and some avocado. No meat though; I'm vegetarian"
Making a tongue taco
Performing oral sex on a female.
After watching her strip he felt like making a tongue taco.
taco tongue
when clyde and kyle eat taco bell and then shove their taco-flavored tongues down each other's throats.
i don't know if taco tongue is a known or a verb so
"they're taco tonguing again 🙄"
"they're taco tonguing again 🙄"