Verb, Noun, Bidzossed, Bidzossing.
- Verb
1. To scam and completely screw over someone with shady deals, especially in cases where domain names are involved.
- Noun
2. A greedy scumbag with no regard for the human race.
The very face of corporate corruption.
One who does everything in his power to steal from another, usually by means of trickery, deceit, and monopoly rights.
Someone driven by personal greed, and unhindered by sympathy or morals.
James Bidzos is the President, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Verisign, a company proudly screwing its .com, .net and .org customers since 1995.
Destiny chose Bidzos to be what he is. A fat, creepy, bald and short-sighted jerk who cares only about his yearly bonus and nothing about others.
- Verb
1. To scam and completely screw over someone with shady deals, especially in cases where domain names are involved.
- Noun
2. A greedy scumbag with no regard for the human race.
The very face of corporate corruption.
One who does everything in his power to steal from another, usually by means of trickery, deceit, and monopoly rights.
Someone driven by personal greed, and unhindered by sympathy or morals.
James Bidzos is the President, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Verisign, a company proudly screwing its .com, .net and .org customers since 1995.
Destiny chose Bidzos to be what he is. A fat, creepy, bald and short-sighted jerk who cares only about his yearly bonus and nothing about others.
Q: Why did James choose the name 'Bidzos'?
A: Because "Ripoff" had already been taken.
A: Because "Ripoff" had already been taken.