taking hot
When a male or female prostitute negotiate a sex act by offering not to use protection. A male John will climax inside of the prostitute for a higher premium. Example " I will take your hot for fifty or put on a jimmy for thirty."
I met a hot chick at the bar and took her home. I said I would use a condom, she was so drunk she just kept "taking hot" without a clue
take a hot bath
verb, to masturbate (female).
c'mon ladies....we all know what it means.
c'mon ladies....we all know what it means.
Nick blew me off last night, so I just stayed at home and 'took a hot bath'.
Take a hot one
To take a poop
Damm. I gotta take a hot one
hot take
an opinion that is likely to cause controversy or is unpopular
hot take: cancer is just diet scorpio
hot take
An opinion based on simplistic moralizing rather than actual thought. Not to be confused with a strong take.
That's a hot take.
take a hot shower
a phrase to tell someone they aren’t horny enough
“ Bro she said she wanted to sleep with you and you said no? Take a hot shower by G”
take a hot shower
a phrase used to tell someone they aren’t horny enough
“bro, take a hot shower”