A gold digger .
A young woman who is eager to find an old man about to die with loads of wealth under his belt.
A Talakai will scout for a wealthy bed ridden old tramp well before becoming a major. The sheer will, dedication and determination of finding this wealthy man is beyond imagination.
If you find a young woman obsessed with finding a wealthy man about to die, she is a Talakai.
The best of the gold diggers .
A young woman who is eager to find an old man about to die with loads of wealth under his belt.
A Talakai will scout for a wealthy bed ridden old tramp well before becoming a major. The sheer will, dedication and determination of finding this wealthy man is beyond imagination.
If you find a young woman obsessed with finding a wealthy man about to die, she is a Talakai.
The best of the gold diggers .
She was sixteen when she found the rich guy on the death bed. She is a Talakai!