

俚语 talaris


1. Noun; An evil company meant to suck your company dry and make your employees cry at night.
2. Adjective; See facist
3. Verb; Being or being acted upon in a frustrating or generally wasteful manor.
1. I was happily married and successful until our company decided to use Talaris equipment. Now I'm divorced and live off a steady diet or Ramen and depression.

2. I used to like Obama before he started acting all Talaris.

3. "Adam was Talarising it up today, generally making me hate my job and taking up my entire lunch break with his annoying questions and useless jokes


Talarie is an amazing person. She loves being a round people. But (Don't)make her mad because she will rain down on you. In all talarie is a nice person.
Talarie is awesome

Talari syndrome

The act of saying something, but then going completely quiet and unresponsive for a while after. Usually occurs during phone calls etc.
Person 1: Hey, you wanna hear something funny?

Person 2: Yeah go-ahead

Person 1: *complete silence for 20 seconds*

Person 2: Whatever man

Person 1: *comes back and acts like nothing happened* Anyways as I was saying...

Person 1 is being defined as having Talari syndrome.




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