

俚语 tanooki


The world's most versatile word.

Tanooki should be yelled during any and every situation. Fuck someone over? Tanooki. During sex? Cumming? Tanooki! While drinking? Fuck "cheers". Tanooki is where it's at.
Bitch, you just got Tanooki-ed.

"Ta.. Ta.. Ta.. TA... TANOOKI!!!!!"


One of the many suits mario can grab
Mario can turn into a tanooki


In ancient Japanese lore, the Tanooki was a raccoon-like animal that had the ability to turn into stone when threatened by predators.
Look, it's a Tanooki!


...Tanooki (sometimes spelled tanuki) is not pronounced ta-nu-kay, but ta-nu-kee.

I guess this is an easy mistake to make, since a lotta Japanese words end in "ay" that are usually pronouced "ee" in America. (like karate, usually pronounced ka-RA-tee, but should be ka-ra-teh; and the movie Princess Mononoke)
Tanuki rhymes with kooky (but not cookie)


A god like creature capable of creating life and giving death.
Look, it's a tanooki!


A misspelling of tanuki. In America, and rest of the Anglophone world this is most likely due to the mistranslation in the video game Super Mario Brothers 3. The mistranslation may also have been intentional as it is easier for the English speaker to verbalise without a working knowledge of the Japanese langauge and pronunciation system.
Japenese person: what the heck is a Tanooki?

The Tanooki Board

A message board created by word MPMike \\word when he was bored, it has now grown in to the literal Mecca for all 4 of the world's Tanooki worshipers. It is also a gathering place many of those that wish to associate with the strange Tanooki cult-like members.

As see word Tanooki /word and word MPMike /word
The Tanooki Board: we won't bite you much.




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