

俚语 big ballin

Big Ballin

Having a lot of money.
Making a substantial amount of cash.
Hey, you Big Ballin? Because that's a nice Beamer you be driving.

Dang, I wish I was as Big Ballin as my friend. He is picking up all the girls with that money.

*looks into friends wallet* Damn nigga you be big ballin!

Big Ballin

A common phrase said when picking up the most wanted contract in warzone
“Hey guys I found a most wanted contract I’m big ballin”

big ballin

balls...merle rocks hard dude
wow merle matlock is realy big ballin

Big Balls Ballin

Big Balls Ballin is a term used to describe having balls so big you are wanted by the CIA, FBI, etc.
"your Big Balls Ballin dude..your totally getting tracked down right now.."

Aron Big Ballin

Aron Big Ballin is a rich guy and a pimp with a lot of hoes and is really good at basketball
Hey do you know Aron
Are you talking about Aron Big Ballin
Yeah that guy he is so hot and sexy
I agree with you but i aint gay tho




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