

俚语 tapout

tap out

when youre having sex with a girl and she can't take the dick no more
i fucked that bitchhhhh so hard she hadda tap out

tap out

To submit or give up.
I was fighting Corey and he was so hurt he needed to stop. So he tapped out.

tap out

To give up; to quit. To submit.
That exam was so difficult, I had to tap out.

tap out

During oral sex, when a considerate man gives his partner warning that he's about to cum so she can stop before getting a mouth full. This indication is usual a light tap on the head. (a foreign concept to some men) Derived from a wrestling or fighting term used to indicate surrender.
My boyfriend is so considerate, he'll tap out when I'm giving him head.

tap out

To tap someone on the back while hugging them, thus ending the hug. Usually when someone is not so comfortable hugging.

It can be a little condescending, like this is not a real thing this hug.
Hey dude that was not a real hug, give me a real hug, and dont tap out!

tap out


1. to knock somebody out cold

2. making somebody quit a fight forcefully

background: in boxing or wrestling, to 'tap out' means to quit
Dude, did he really tap out with one blow!?!

tap out

to settle for tap water when no bottled or filtered water is available.
i was at jons house and he was out of bottled water so i had to tap out.




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