

俚语 tap water

tap water

Tap water is pretty much the same as bottled water, only you'll save a shitload of money and, believe it or not, you will be healthier drinking tap water over bottled water (probably because bottled water has chemicals in it.) It also tastes better (in my opinion), and the only reason why people don't like it is because you need to refrigerate it for a while for it to be cold.
tap water

tap water

The nasty-ass contaminated water that you find in public buildings.
Dude why is the water yellow

tap water

Mostly chlorinated with a known carcinogen. Sometimes with toxic waste from the (commonly) phosphate industry.
Tap water is always polluted - even when you are told it is clean.

Tap water

When someone or something is lame as hell
For example:

yo that party was so tap water.

Dude connor is super tap water.

Tap Water

Turns the freaking frogs gay.
Guy 1: Did you drink that tap water yesterday?

Guy 2: Yeah, I did. Now I like guys.

Tap Water

The Process of Turning your Girl and or Women upside down and vomitting into her ass hole and or Vagina and then shaking it up for good mixture and pouring it into yours or your sleeping friends mouth.
Bro you wanna drink some tap water?!

Tap Water

An erectile enhancement drug similar to viagra, except in the form of a drink.
Leon Black hooked me up with this thing called Tap Water and me and girl been goin' all night.




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