

俚语 tartaria


1. A geographical region of central Asia circa 1400-1900, synonymous with Tartary.

2. A legendary / mythological ancient civilization lost to some form of cataclysm, i.e. mudflood, resulting in similarities of architecture and culture across continents.

3. A loose term for the old world location of Central Eurasian Nomadic Tribes.
"hey man did you hear about Tartaria?"

"Yeah man! They had crazy advanced technology and lots of the buildings around the world are so similar because of it!"

"No man, I meant the Tartarian Empire, like the fallout of Batu Khan, grandson of Chengis Khan"

"Oh yeah, I've heard of Manchurian Tartary, Muscovy Tartary, and Tibetan Tartary."

"That's cool, but have you heard of the Crimean Tartars?"

"Ey Güzel Qirim!"




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